Getting the 4-H year started.
Here you will find some resources that will help you plan your 4-H calendar.
4-H Club attendance chart
- Cloverbud attendance chart
Program of meetings and activities for 4-H Clubs
Program of meetings and activities for Cloverbud Clubs
Ohio 4-H Membership Guidelines
Request form for membership across county lines
Ohio 4-H Advisor Handbook.
Sharpen your 4-H coaching skills and your 4-H Club to a winning season!
4-H Club and Cloverbud Club Kits
Don't have time to plan a lesson for your next club meeting? Then checkout our kits we have available for loan from the Monroe County Extension Office.
Click here to find a complete list of the kits available
Club Resources
Member Health Form
Sample Informed Consent Form
Permission to Transport Child Form
OSU Extension Food Service Policy
4-H Club Charter, Constitution and By-Laws
Ohio 4-H Club Charter (required)
Ohio 4-H Club Constitution (required)
Ohio 4-H Club By-Laws (optional)
4-H Name and Emblem Guidelines
Want to make sure you are using the 4-H Clover properly or need access to the official 4-H Clover? Check with your 4-H Educator for a CD and policy procedures.